Saturday, February 11, 2006

Today's celebrity news has it that Britney Spears was photographed driving her vehicle with her 4 month old baby* in her lap,** instead of in the back in a car seat. She said it was a mistake, but that papparazzi photographers brought on the instinct to just get out of there, and that's what she did.

If this happens in the future, she can get in the back seat with the baby, lock the doors, strap child in car seat, then climb over into the front seat to drive. If I've done this with my chubby and tall bod, then Britney can definitely do it. It's the safest way to put children in the car, whether you're a celebrity or not.

*my baby's the same age as Britney's!
**you can take the girl out of the country, but not the country out of the girl! (my catty comment for the day)


Cindy said...

The funny thing about that is there was ANOTHER person in the car with her. She could have gotten in the back seat and put the child in the child seat and let the other person drive them out of there.

Ugh. She gives white trash a bad name. I just detest her.

Jan said...

I agree... climb in the back if you need to.

You've been tagged Darla! Come see my blog!

DD said...

I try not to criticize other moms, after all most are doing the best they can, doesn't matter whether we are rich or well known or just regular moms, we all mess up sometimes. Motherhood, the great equalizer! LOL


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