Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Ah, the world is wonderful at 5:22 am. I almost went back to sleep, but thought of all the wondrous time I could have TO MYSELF, even for just a little while today if I would only get up. So now I am enjoying some time to think.

Downside is, I am in a way trapped. I would like to go into the kitchen and get some food or some milk to drink, but that would undboubtedly start the dog barking for attention. Call me crazy, but I do NOT want to take the dog out to pee at this time of the morning in my skivvies. Nobody wants that. I think there are also laws against it. Actually, if there aren't laws against it, there should be laws against tired, pregnant women in their skivvies and flip-flops walking dogs. The barking would also start a chain reaction: it would wake up Little Man, and then all my alone time will have flown out the window.

The 'rough' drafts of what the history book cover will look like came to me in email yesterday. May I just say, YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Oh my gosh, Cathi of Book Cover Express is so talented! I wish I could share the covers here, but they are not for public view at the moment. All the contributors to the book are voting on which cover they prefer.
When I can share them or the winning cover, I will be sure to post it here.
I can't tell you how exciting it is!

I didn't get a chance to work on the Wencelas art any more yesterday. Hopefully today during Little Man's naptime again.

Wahhh, yesterday I was feeling sorry for myself...okay I still am...I want a studio, a real studio...ok, I would just like a room of my own. Wasn't it Virginia Woolff who wrote, "everyone needs a room of his own"? Mmmm, my dream art room would have an area for drawing and a separate area for just scrapbooking. All the bells and whistles....all the organizers, bins, shelves, etc all fixed up, labeled, just like they do in that show, Mission Organization
Well a gal can dream, can't she? I am just bummed that as the family grows, I have no more room for my drafting table. Right now, I use my lap-drawing boards, and they are good, but having a table and a room where I can keep all my tools out would be really nice. At least I have a goal: in 3 years, we will move to a larger house.

I also think about Erma Bombeck - everything she said was true! She may have said it in a humorous way, but let me tell you, it was true! Somehow, she was able to find time to work, write about it, and laugh about it, and I can too.

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