Friday, July 06, 2007

Good Neighbors

We have the nicest new neighbor.

We let him borrow our lawnmower,
and now since he's gotten a lawnmower, he mowed about half our property.

To thank him, I shared plates of spaghetti and garlic bread with him and his roommate,
and then wouldn't you know it, he mowed our grass again!

He had some transportation issues so we gave him a ride one day.
Today he mowed a lot of our yard yet again.

He delivers appliances, so he has been able to give the kids a large refrigerator box to play in. You know there is nothing more fun to kids than a big empty box...there's even a Spongebob Squarepants episode in which SpongeBob and Patrick buy a big screen TV just so they can have the box...they throw the TV out in the trash!

Now we need to do something nice for him again. Maybe I'll make brownies.
I'm really thankful to have such nice neighbors.
See, this is the problem with being nice. It never stops. LOL!


Cindy said...

Our older neighbor mows our yard all the time. He's got a riding mower, so it's just more riding to him. He spends hours and hours on his lawn, and I guess he doesn't want to live next to the Griswald's! HaHahah

I also found out last weke that his water bill is $120 per month. He's wacky with watering his lawn. No thanks!

ApOgEE said...

Just found this blog today. Nice blog!


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