Tuesday, March 14, 2006

~ Twins in Braces ~

I took the girls to an orthodontist for the consultation visit. Bottom line is that it will be close to about $5,000 for each. I am rounding the figures. (They gave us a discount for having more than one kid in braces). I'm expecting insurance to pay about $1,000 of each, but it's $650 for each child to start (the photos, the models of mouth, etc) and then would be $130 a month for each. That's $260 a month! YIKES! At least there isn't interest involved in that, but we'll probably have to put some of it on credit card - that is the bit I am truly dreading!

DD1 has the worst case mouth situation. So we will probably start her first, then DD2 a few months after. They both have crossbites, the upper teeth are inside the bottom teeth - and the upper palates are narrow. So they'll have a palatal expansion appliance as well as a special apparatus called a Herbst Appliance that will help grow more bottom jaw and move bottom jaw forward. The process should take 28 months.

I guess the main thing is to keep thinking about the end result for the girls.

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