Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I just updated the "About the Artist" page of my website. I reallllly hate writing or talking much about myself. I just always feel so dorky. But I had to re-do it, because it was getting out of date. I put a new (but actually, kind of old) picture in there too. I changed the picture to black and white, because at the time the photo was taken, I had a reddish-brunette hair color, and it was turning brassy. Of course, under the sunlight, it looked even worse, and I had a Ronald McDonald look going. Not really a good look. I already have the big Ronald McDonald feet, I certainly don't need the hair too!

DS (just over two years old now) has really been running me ragged today. I played on Noggin.com with him. He really enjoyed the Oobie games. He has been a good helper, putting things in the trash, helping me mix apple juice concentrate ("Me KOOK!" which is his version of "Me cook") He had some Spam (he loves it, I make no excuses) in cubes and cheddar cheese cubes. He tried to commandeer the knife. Not for violent use, but he wanted to cut the cheese up, with the knife upside down.

I have had to take other multiple pointy objects away from him today, including pencils, pens, and a fork. Finally, after he colored all over his hands and his face (and lips) with a blue Crayola marker, momma had had it. I took him to the bathroom mirror so he could view his artistry. Cleaned him up with a baby wipe. Off to bed for the 2nd nap of the day. Questioning myself, does he really need a nap? Well maybe not, but I sure need him to take a nap. I'm in week 37 of pregnancy, and I am just so tired of getting up out of a chair to keep the boy from hurting himself with sharp objects. The dog is nervous too, he chewed up a Bratz doll shoe.

I'm going to get some rest and maybe I can draw a little bit tonight, if the carpal tunnel syndrome (temporary because of pregnancy) will behave for me.


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DD said...

I welcome real comments, but spam is being deleted...it is unfortunate that the spam in blogs seems to be increasing, it may cause a lot of people to stop blogging. I know it is sure annoying ME.


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