The following is a text message conversation between myself and my teenage daughter. Although I have always respected Erma Bombeck, now that I have 4 children, I realize that she really didn't have to come up with ideas so much as just write down what happened.
Omg i can get checked out?
Some schools early releasing today. Gwinnett not. You don't have 2 stay after school 2day though.
I think they're going to cancel it anyways. Its supposed to get worse later...around 5-ish.
Stay the course. There is weather all over the world.
-.- so....U want me to stand out in the snow waiting for u to come get me
School is still in session.
We're not even doing anything
I'm trying to.
Trying to what?
Trying to work on art.
What does that have to do w anything? lol
(No reply sent by myself - equivalent of blank stare)
That is funny, Darla. So, is this what I have to look forward to...teenage years
That's too funny. I find it funny that I have to have to text my 15 yr old, just to make him come downstairs and do his chores.
@Donna - working on a support group. It's going to be called Tylenol.
@Wyanne - lol...that is funny. Well, it beats yelling, right?
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