Friday, March 19, 2010

No longer have toll free number

Like a lot of people and businesses these days, I've had to look at ways I can cut costs without impacting customer service.

One thing I have canceled is the toll-free phone number I had, which was an 888 toll free number ending in 736-0617. Please do not call this number - because it's no longer mine.

As I looked at expenses, I could see this was something to be cut. It cost me money when someone called me at the toll free number, and it was almost always telemarketers calling. I don't like paying money for people to bug me. ;-)

I had to think about whether canceling the toll-free phone number would hurt my customers. Most people now use their cell phones, and most cellphone users have a monthly allotment of minutes they can use, so it's not a long-distance cost to them.

So many people are also communicating primarily through email, so they have the information in writing and easily retrievable.

I hope that you don't mind this little change, and realize that this will help me keep my art commission prices down.

I would recommend Kall8 if anyone needs a toll-free phone number, I just don't do the volume of business in order for it to be most profitable.

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