Sunday, January 10, 2010

Redecorating in my sleep

Have you ever talked or done anything weird in your sleep? When I was a kid, I used to sleepwalk. That worried my parents, because my bedroom was upstairs. I never fell down the stairs - I seemed to know where everything was. At some point, I stopped the sleepwalking. As I got older and even after marriage, I would talk in my sleep sometimes. It was usually gibberish.

But one time, I actually did something.

About 20 years ago, my husband woke up to me saying repeatedly:

"Take it...TAKE IT...Come ON,

I had lifted a heavy picture off the wall above our bed and although I was lying down, I was holding it up by the two bottom corners, and it was wobbling right over his head (I guess I was redecorating in my sleep)

It must have been scary to wake up from deep sleep to find his wife holding a heavy picture frame over his face!

It was years before we agreed that I could hang another picture over the bed. It was part of the negotiation that I would hang the picture up high, out of arm's reach.


Susan said...

Too funny! I don't blame him for being nervous!

Claudia Lawrence said...

Hi, ur blog is really nice and interesting, I have bookmark it & anxiously waiting for ur new post.

LunaKris said...

Though I've never walked in my sleep, I've had some very strange dreams over the years. I think it was Mark Twain who wrote, "We're never quite sane in the night."

Your drawings are lovely. I used to draw, but I've gotten away from it somehow. Maybe I should buy myself some pencils.

DD said...

Susan - Thanks, I knew you would like that story :)
Claudia Lawrence - I removed your spam link but left your comment (lol)
LunaKris - Good quote! I love Mark Twain (I should draw him...such an interesting face)...about drawing and getting some pencils (well it works best in the opposite the pencils first lol) Yes, you definitely should buy some! Even a very nice set is relatively inexpensive. The Staedtler drafting pencils are excellent, and you can get them in almost any office supply store. Often that's more inexpensive than buying from an art supplier.

DD said...

Just reading over my last post - wow, language is not my strong point today. So rambling! I hope you know what I was trying to say :)


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