Saturday, October 10, 2009

An inspiration

Great quotes by Robert McCloskey - he was the author and illustrator of Blueberries for Sal, Make Way for Ducklings, Lentil, Homer Price and others. I found this in his 2003 New York Times obituary, while looking up info for this Squidoo page on Robert McCloskey. I love it, and I completely understand what he meant.
"Speaking of his art, Mr. McCloskey once said that while the hand is trained, ''it's an automatic part like shuffling cards or knitting'' and that "drawing is most of all a way of seeing and thinking."

"Most of my friends and neighbors just don't seem to see as I do," he continued, "even looking at simple things like a ball of string. But I'm not a nut, really, as anybody can see. I have one foot resting on reality and the other foot planted firmly on a banana peel."

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