Monday, May 02, 2005

An update on my dad's condition: he is back in the hospital with pneumonia in one lung and has been running a fever. Family members seem worried about the fever, but I'm not...I'm actually relieved because it shows that his body is fighting the infection. A fever (when controlled) is just the body doing what it's supposed to do. At least in the hospital they have him on an IV drip so he won't get dehydrated. At the same time that I am relieved, I am also guarded - getting all my ducks in a row so to speak - arranging to have someone pet-sit the dog in case we need to go down to Savannah. My older brother from Dallas TX is going to Savannah today and staying until about Wednesday, then my other older brother from Michigan is going to go down there and stay about a week. Thank you for your continued prayers.

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