Monday, January 17, 2005

I worked on BT's son's portrait, it is an age regression picture.
Her son is about 8 yrs old in the photo and I am making him toddler-aged.
I scanned it, and now I see all kinds of things I need to change. It's funny, for me, scanning the artwork shows me things I need to change, just as many artists use mirrors to see what they need to adjust in an artwork. I need to make his cheeks chubbier and give the tip of his nose more of a baby look, then I will be done.

PW's artwork of a room is going along well, I am expecting some titles for the books that are on the bookshelves in the drawing (they all have particular meaning), then I will put it all together, probably in one sitting or late night draw-fest. Most people will look at the artwork and go, "huh. A room. hmm." But for the people giving it and the person receiving it, everything in the picture has a special 'inside' meaning. It will be really special. I get excited just thinking about that.

I still have on my mind that I need to finish JC's portrait. I just need some research time. I need some research time for PW's portrait too. I don't know what artists did before the Internet. On one hand, it is a distraction and can tend to get me behind (my brother in law calls it a Tangent Machine and I think that's pretty accurate!) but on the other hand, when I need to see a photograph of something so I can draw it, it sure is handy!

My daughter seems to have the flu (her fever comes and goes) and I have had a headache off and on (the same old congestion headache) for about 3 days now.

I am still trying to get some things ready for the Tsunami Relief yard sale that's coming up this week. I still have people bringing stuff by to donate. That is SO nice of them. I am trying to stay focused and I want to get all my art wrapped up within the next couple days. That seems like an impossible mission sometimes, but I have to set goals if I expect to meet them. I usually do, with God's help.


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