Tuesday, November 30, 2004

I haven't been writing here because I have had the flu. My Annual Flu Festival. My annual Get-All-Bronchial-And-Have-Trouble-Breathing Event. Whee! But I don't think I'll need to go to the doctor. The vitamins I sell have really helped me. This is the one I take, morning and night. It's for women, but they have them for kids and men too.

I am feeling a bit better but haven't really been able to rest at all. Today is DD1 and DD2's birthday (11 yr old twins) - in the past, I would bake one cake and lay out the layers separately so we wouldn't have tons of cake, but this time I decided to make them EACH a two layer cake, and things have not gone according to plan (do they ever??)

I put the 15 mo. old DS down for his nap, and the City of Snellville Public Works guys came out and started tearing up the drainage system by our house, banging noises, diesel trucks, all kinds of noise, so he napped for 10 minutes and then he was up again.

So I have baked two cakes with a toddler hanging on my leg. So much for the nap and shower that I wanted to get for myself! But maybe I will be able to get one this afternoon. It has been nutty :)

I blew up some balloons and DS really had fun with them (NOTE: never let yunguns play with ballooons unsupervised, but hopefully you already know that) ... he had a ball with them, and one popped and he found out that you aren't supposed to bite on balloons. They are TDS Telecom balloons if you care :) They are leftovers from my father in law's former job - kind of sad that I haven't been out to the store to get decent balloons, but I hung them just right so the logo is at the back...and no-one ever need know, keep that on the hush-hush, okay?

What is up with the frosting packages downsizing the contents? Use-ta be that I could take a spoonful out of the frosting container and 'test' it, and there would be plenty for the cake....but not these days. One cake had chocolate chip frosting and the other cake was to have plain milk chocolate, and I had to do a spackle job to cover up one cake. I guess my dipping-into-the-frosting days are over.

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

Village-Idiot said...


I know TDS telecom, I've been in the CLEC industry for over 7 years till I finally went the way of RBOC (well Verizon Wireless, and that's close enough to RBOC w/o Union protection). At least they're still in business.


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